Parks and Recreation Plan
Available for Review
Dalton Township has completed the process of updating its Five-Year Parks and Recreation Plan and has published the draft plan for public review. A printed copy of the Parks and Recreation Plan will be available for the next 30 days at the location listed below, and you may view an electronic copy at www.daltontownship.org/parks-and-trails and https://library.municode.com/mi/dalton_township,_(muskegon_co.)/munidocs/munidocs?nodeId=64f68af5f9602
Dalton Township Hall
1616 E. Riley Thompson Rd
Muskegon, MI 49445
The Parks and Recreation Plan is intended to help guide the improvements to recreation facilities of the community. The process to develop the plan included a community survey to collect public input. The Township is offering a public comment review period to give residents the opportunity to review and comment on a draft of the plan. A public hearing will be held after this 30-day public review period. To provide comments on the draft plan, please send an email to Stephen Kerr, Zoning Administrator at stephen.kerr@daltontownship.org or stop in to the Dalton Township Hall at the address above with any questions or suggestions.
Stephen Kerr
Zoning Administrator
Dalton Township
Publish November 19, 2023
Posted November 16, 2023